Treatments for Eczema

Eczema is a broad term used to describe different types of skin conditions. The underlying symptom of eczema is inflamed, dry skin that can be easily irritated, resulting in an itchy and painful condition. Although there are up to eight different types of eczema, the most commonly recognized forms are Atopic Eczema and Contact Eczema.

Eczema is a broad term used to describe different types of skin conditions. The underlying symptom of eczema is inflamed, dry skin that can be easily irritated, resulting in an itchy and painful condition. Although there are up to eight different types of eczema, the most commonly recognized forms are Atopic Eczema and Contact Eczema.

Treating atopic dermatitis
To date, there is no cure for atopic eczema, but there are treatment options to control symptoms. Studies continue to be carried out for this complex condition in order to come up with an effective solution. A focus has been given to repairing the skin barrier first. If this step isn’t taken, then foreign allergens will continue to enter the skin’s surface, sparking the production of more antibodies.

Many treatments help to reduce the symptoms of atopic dermatitis, rather than cure it completely. Treatment involves reducing contact with any known substances that create an allergic reaction. There are many substances which are known to aggravate symptoms such as types of clothing materials, hot water or high temperatures. Like many other diseases, stress has also been considered a common aggravator, therefore a focus is given to methods that help to reduce stress in your life.

It is vital to use a fragrance-free moisturizer frequently throughout the day on the affected area when you suffer from atopic eczema. This is important to keep the skin hydrated and prevent itching from dry skin, which can lead to scratching and open wounds. Your doctor can recommend the best type of moisturizer for atopic eczema.

The types of medication or creams that will be prescribed by your doctor to reduce the severity of your symptoms include:

Topical Corticosteroids: These are creams that are applied topically to the skin and range from mild strength to very strong for severe atopic dermatitis cases. If you find you suffer from flare-ups, then corticosteroids will be recommended for daily use until cleared up. They can also be applied from time to time when you experience your symptoms.
Oral corticosteroids: This is a short-term treatment often given to those that suffer from very severe flare-ups of atopic eczema, often in combination with topical corticosteroids. It is only a short-term treatment as it comes with side effects when taken for a long time.
Various other treatments are continuing to be trialed including the use of antihistamines for severe itching, phototherapy and bandages to help the healing of the skin. Many of these treatments are aimed to suppress your immune system in order to control inflammation.

Treating contact eczema
After your testing is complete, whether patch testing or photo patch testing, any allergic reaction to a particular substance will give you an idea of what products or environments to avoid. Your doctor will give you the best advice on how best to reduce exposure.

Other than avoiding the substances in which you had an allergic reaction to, your doctor will also provide you with a list of other things to avoid which commonly trigger reactions. This can include harsh soaps, moisturizers with fragrance or any other body product. You will find that you’re certainly not alone when it comes to having sensitive skin and there are many products specifically designed for your skin type, which is much more gentle than regular products. Common treatments for contact eczema include:

Soothing oatmeal baths
Taking consideration into the type of clothing material that you wear
No harsh washing powders, cleaning products or bleaches, rather use plant-based products
Ensuring you thoroughly dry your skin after showering or swimming, especially increases such as arms, backs of knees or any other problem areas.
Using only nature-based cosmetics or beauty products
Any of the treatment methods used for atopic eczema can also be used for contact eczema.

Holistic approaches to healing eczema
Eczema is a sign that something isn’t right below the skin level. The body has too much inflammation, which can be reversed with an improvement in your diet. Fresh, whole foods can eliminate inflammation as your body is craving these types of foods to heal itself.

Improving your immune response system
When you suffer from eczema, it’s important to consider the types of foods you are eating that may dampen your immune system. Eczema is a sign that there is inflammation within the body and that’s likely caused by an overabundance of acidic foods and a high sugar diet. It’s worth looking into the “pH reading” of all your common foods, which measures how acidic or alkaline a food is. Aim for 80% inclusion of the alkaline foods. You can find a pH food chart here to get started.

Your immune system can turn on itself when it is upset by many poor foods and even additives or preservatives not recognized by your body. Again, stress also has an impact on how strong your overall immune system is.

As 80% of your immune system is actually located in your gut, your diet has a huge part to play in how your immune system functions. Methods to increase immunity include:

Increasing your intake of leafy green vegetables
Eating foods high in vitamin C
Manage your levels of stress
Look after your digestive health
Eliminate processed foods
Eliminate high sugar foods
Probiotics show promise in the future treatment of eczema
As mentioned, atopic eczema is carried in your genes and often experienced in your early years. Studies have shown that mothers-to-be who supplemented with probiotics during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, significantly reduced the chance that their baby would experience eczema.

Allowing that balance of good and bad bacteria help to keep your immune system in tip-top shape and prevent allergies. Start by increasing your intake of foods that contain a high probiotic count, rather than milk probiotic products as they contain a large amount of added sugar. These include eating more miso soup, kimchi, tempeh, yoghurt and sauerkraut.

Ultimately, eczema is a complex condition that needs continual attention to approaches that help to limit the severity of your symptoms. Modern medicine can go a great way in reducing pain, redness and itching, however, for a long-term approach, it’s best to focus on holistic approaches. These help the body to heal from the inside out, not just approaching eczema from a skin level perspective.

Ulcerative colitis is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (or IBD) that occurs when chronic inflammation causes ulcers to develop in the inner lining (i.e., colon and rectum) of the digestive tract. Colitis may cause symptoms of abdominal cramping, bleeding, and pain. There are several ulcerative rx colitis medications that your doctor may prescribe as treatment, however, diet is also important. 

Here are six foods to avoid if you suffer from ulcerative colitis:

1. Fibrous foods
Fiber is a part of a healthy diet. However, fiber is one of the foods that you will need to avoid if you use biologic treatments for ulcerative colitis. Fiber can irritate the digestive system. You should limit your intake of whole grains as well as raw and undercooked vegetables. Vegetables are an important part of your diet. However, you should try pureed vegetable soup. It will be a lot easier for your body to digest them.

2. Sulfates
Sulfate is a nutrient that the body requires. However, it can also feed a bacteria that creates a toxic gas inside of the intestines. If you find yourself constantly bloating, then you may have too much sulfur and sulfates in your diet. Red meat, beer, wine, apple juice, grape juice, cheese and eggs are some of the foods that have sulfates in them.

3. Dairy products
It is common for people who have ulcerative colitis to have an intolerance to dairy products. If you do not know whether dairy products are a trigger for you, then it is a good idea for you to keep a food diary. You should eliminate yogurt, milk, butter and cheese if your symptoms get worse.

4. Carbonated drinks
Carbonated drinks are beverages that fizzle when you open them. This includes sodas and carbonated water. Drinking carbonated beverages can also increase the risk of obesity. People who are obese usually have worse symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Obesity can also increase the risk of heart disease.

5. Caffeine
It is a good idea to limit your intake of caffeine if you are taking ulcerative colitis. This includes sodas, teas, chocolate and coffee. Caffeine is a stimulant, so it has a tendency to get things going. That is why you may suffer diarrhea and stomach pain after you consume something that has caffeine in it.

6. Alcohol
Alcohol is not good for you to drink if you suffer from ulcerative colitis. Alcohol has a tendency to affect people differently. Some people experience vomiting, gastrointestinal bleeding, vomiting and nausea. Excessive alcohol intake can also lead to liver problems. The liver is responsible for detoxifying the body. Furthermore, alcohol has a tendency to interfere with the way that your body processes medications. This can alter the way that the active drug molecules are excreted. It can also increase the risk of liver complications.

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Myelodysplastic syndromes, or MDS, are a group of disorders caused by poorly formed blood cells or ones that don’t work properly. The MDS life expectancy varies greatly from patient to patient, depending on several factors, including age, overall health, and how well the disease responds to treatment. One of the major complications of MDS is that it can cause anemia, a condition characterized by a lack of red blood cells. It’s important to recognize the warning signs of MDS to seek early treatment. Here are ten signs that may indicate the presence of this disease.

1. Fatigue

One of the most common symptoms of MDS is fatigue. This is primarily due to anemia, which can make you feel tired and weak. If you’re feeling unusually fatigued, it might be worth discussing with your doctor.

2. Shortness of breath

Another sign of MDS can be shortness of breath, especially during physical activities. This symptom is also related to anemia, as your body isn’t getting enough oxygen due to a lack of red blood cells.

3. Frequent infections

MDS can cause your white blood cell count to drop, making you more susceptible to infections. If you find that you’re getting sick more often than usual, it could be a sign of MDS.

4. Easy bruising or bleeding

If you notice that you’re bruising easily or bleeding more than usual, it could be a sign of MDS. This is because MDS can affect your platelet count, which is responsible for blood clotting.

5. Skin paleness

Anemia, a common complication of MDS, can cause your skin to look paler than usual. This is due to the lack of red blood cells, which give your skin its color.

Now that we’ve covered the warning signs, let’s look at some FDA-approved treatments for MDS.

6. Blood transfusions

Blood transfusions are often used to treat anemia in people with MDS. This involves receiving healthy blood from a donor to increase your red blood cell count.

7. Medications

Several medications can be used to treat MDS, including growth factors to stimulate your body to make more blood cells, and immunosuppressive drugs to help your body accept these new cells.

8. Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is often used to kill off abnormal cells in your bone marrow. This can help to slow the progression of MDS and alleviate some symptoms.

9. Stem cell transplant

A stem cell transplant involves replacing your diseased bone marrow with healthy marrow from a donor. This can potentially cure MDS, but it’s a complex procedure with significant risks.

10. Supportive care

Supportive care involves managing the symptoms of MDS, such as fatigue and shortness of breath. This can include medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes.

In conclusion, it’s important to recognize the warning signs of MDS and seek treatment early. With the right care, it’s possible to manage this disease and maintain a good quality of life.


Life insurance is a critical safety net for many individuals, especially those over 50 or seniors who want to ensure their loved ones are financially secure after they’re gone. But it’s essential to understand that not all situations are covered by life insurance policies. Here are seven things that life insurance does not typically cover.

1. Fraudulent information

One of the key aspects insurance companies look at when underwriting a policy is the honesty of the information provided. If you have lied or omitted important information on your application, your insurer can deny your beneficiaries’ claim. Always be honest and thorough when applying for life insurance.

2. Suicide within the exclusion period

Most life insurance policies include a clause that excludes coverage for suicide within the first two years of the policy. This period may vary depending on the insurance company and the specific policy, but it’s a standard exclusion across the industry.

3. Death from risky activities

If you regularly engage in high-risk activities such as skydiving, mountain climbing, or extreme sports, your life insurance policy may not cover death resulting from these activities. It’s crucial to disclose these hobbies when applying for insurance, as failing to do so could result in a denied claim.

4. Death in a war zone

Many life insurance policies exclude coverage for death occurring in a war zone. If you are a military personnel or a civilian working in a conflict area, you may need to seek a special policy or rider to cover this risk.

5. Illegal activities

If the policyholder dies while committing an illegal activity, the life insurance claim will likely be denied. This can include anything from driving under the influence to participating in criminal activities.

6. Certain health conditions

While life insurance for over 50 and life insurance for seniors are generally available, certain health conditions may not be covered. This is especially true for policies with a graded death benefit, which only pays out the full benefit if the policyholder lives a certain number of years after purchasing the policy.

7. Acts of God

Some life insurance policies may not cover deaths caused by acts of God, such as natural disasters. However, this exclusion is less common than others and can vary significantly between insurance companies and policies.

Now that you know what life insurance typically does not cover, it’s important to find a reliable provider. Some of the top companies that provide life insurance include New York Life, MetLife, Prudential Financial, and State Farm. These companies offer a variety of policies, including term life, whole life, and universal life insurance.

Remember, life insurance is a crucial part of financial planning, especially for those over 50 or seniors. Make sure to thoroughly read and understand your policy, and don’t hesitate to ask your insurance agent or company any questions you may have. It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to protecting your loved ones’ financial future.


Embarking on home improvement projects is a rewarding journey that can elevate your living space and enhance its functionality. From addressing water damage with companies that clean up water in the basement to upgrading roofing and gutters, and even considering Anderson window replacement, these hacks are designed to transform your home seamlessly. In this article, we explore seven ingenious home improvement hacks that will breathe new life into your living space.

1. Water damage prevention and cleanup 

Companies that specialize in cleaning up water in the basement play a crucial role in preventing and addressing water damage. Protect your home from potential disasters by addressing leaks, floods, or excess moisture promptly. Investing in professional services ensures a thorough cleanup and mitigation of water-related issues, preserving the structural integrity of your home.

2. Roofing and gutters upgrade 

Upgrading your roofing and gutters is a fundamental home improvement hack that protects your property from the elements. Consider durable roofing materials such as asphalt shingles, metal, or architectural tiles. Additionally, ensure your gutters are clean and well-maintained to prevent water damage and potential leaks. Regular inspections and prompt repairs contribute to the longevity of your roof and the overall health of your home.

3. Anderson window replacement 

Enhance your home’s aesthetic appeal and energy efficiency with Anderson window replacement. Anderson windows are renowned for their quality and durability. Upgrading to energy-efficient windows not only improves insulation but also adds a timeless and elegant touch to your interior and exterior spaces. The investment in high-quality windows pays off in energy savings and increased home value.

4. Creative storage solutions 

Maximize your living space by incorporating creative storage solutions. Utilize under-the-stair storage, built-in shelving, or multifunctional furniture to optimize every square foot. These solutions not only declutter your home but also add a touch of innovation to your decor, making your living space both functional and stylish.

5. Smart home technology integration 

Embrace the future of home living by integrating smart home technology. From smart thermostats and lighting to security systems, these technologies enhance convenience, energy efficiency, and security. Smart home devices can be easily controlled through mobile apps, providing remote access and customization options to suit your lifestyle.

6. DIY painting projects 

A fresh coat of paint is one of the most transformative and cost-effective home improvement hacks. Whether it’s an accent wall, a room makeover, or refreshing exterior surfaces, painting projects can instantly breathe new life into your home. Experiment with different colors and finishes to create a personalized and updated look.

7. Energy-efficient lighting upgrades 

Switching to energy-efficient lighting options is not only environmentally conscious but also financially savvy. Replace outdated incandescent bulbs with LED or CFL alternatives to reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills. Additionally, consider installing motion sensor lights in outdoor areas for enhanced security and energy efficiency.

Embarking on home improvement projects is an exciting endeavor that allows you to tailor your living space to your preferences and needs. From addressing water damage with professional cleanup services to upgrading roofing and gutters, considering Anderson window replacement, and embracing creative storage solutions, these home improvement hacks offer practical and innovative ways to transform your home. Whether you’re looking to enhance aesthetics, increase energy efficiency, or optimize functionality, these hacks provide a roadmap for a more comfortable and stylish living environment.