• Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, is an overarching term used to describe several progressive lung diseases (i.e., refractory asthma, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and emphysema). The progressive nature of COPD means that this disease increases in severity over time, beginning with mild symptoms and leading to extreme breathing difficulties and increasing breathlessness as damage in the lungs worsens.

    Sadly, COPD causes permanent and irreparable lung damage. However, even though the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate roughly 15 million Americans are living with COPD, many are totally unaware. The good news is that COPD can be managed with proper the right diagnosis and treatment. Look for the following early warning signs of COPD:

    1. Chronic cough

    A stubborn cough that gradually worsens for no apparent reason (i.e., no respiratory infection or flu) should be concerning. A lingering cough may be a sign of COPD if it’s accompanied by wheezing and labored breathing.

    1. Unexplained fatigue

    Like a cough that appears for no apparent reason, exhaustion that strikes with no explanation can indicate an underlying health issue, like COPD. Tiredness that impacts your life (i.e., prevents you from daily routine activities) should be brought to the attention of a medical professional immediately.

    1. Swollen ankles

    Swelling in the areas of the feet, legs, and ankles is common with early COPD. Extremities tend to swell when your blood vessels don’t receive adequate oxygen and fluids pool in the ankles, feet, or legs. This oxygen restriction is considered worrisome as it puts excess stress on the heart.

    1. Unexplained weight loss

    While many people might consider weight loss a healthy goal. Sudden weight loss and loss of appetite for no reason (i.e., increased exercise or diet) can indicate COPD or another underlying health concern. Weight loss with COPD can occur as the lungs burn more calories trying to take in vital oxygen.

    1. Increased mucus production

    Excess mucus production without any sign of a cold or respiratory infection can also indicate the presence of COPD. Noticeable mucus increase as well as changes in mucus color, texture, and consistency can indicate lung issues. Any signs of blood within mucus should demand a visit to your doctor.

    1. Shortness of breath

    The most telltale sign of COPD is shortness of breath, even during everyday activities. This may present as tightness in the chest when performing simple activities such as climbing stairs or running to catch the bus. According to pulmonary researchers at University of Colorado, Denver even occasional breathing difficulties should be brought to the attention of a doctor as soon as possible.

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  • The little butterfly-shaped gland is about two inches long and is located at the base of your neck, just below your Adam’s apple. It has sides, also referred to as lobes. These lobes lie on either side of your windpipe and are connected by a strip of thyroid tissue, also known as the isthmus. The thyroid gland is responsible for a number of functions within your body. The hormones interact with other hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone that affect our overall health. It also helps in regulating bodily functions like our breath, heart rate, cholesterol, body temperature, and metabolism, among others.

    Very often, when the thyroid gland is malfunctioning, we face a number of physiological symptoms such as fatigue, constipation, brain fog, and a slew of other issues. However, more often than not, we do not realize that these conditions are related to a poorly functioning thyroid. Here are a few symptoms of thyroid disease that you should watch out for:

    • Poor concentration and brain fog

      Both hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid) can cause poor mental functioning. While mental fogginess and poor concentration is a result of the latter, mood swings and depression are a result of the former.

    • Feeling bloated

      An underactive thyroid gland can cause fluid retention, thus leading you to feel bloated. Therefore, if you suffer from constant bloating, this could sure be a symptom of thyroid disease.

    • Feelings of nervousness and tremors

      An overactive thyroid gland, along with agitation, can also induce feelings of unexplained nervousness and uneasiness.

    • Palpitations

      While we are stressed, our heartbeats tend to increase, as a normal physiological symptom. However, constant palpitations and a racing heart could be a symptom of thyroid disease.

    • Weight gain

      Most people battling with thyroid issues tend to gain quite a bit of weight easily but not lose it easily. So, if you’re battling weight gain issues, getting your thyroid checked would be an ideal step.

    • Muscle pain

      Muscle pains are also important symptoms associated with a number of thyroid-related diseases.

    • Increased cholesterol levels

      A number of people suffering from hypothyroidism experience elevated cholesterol levels.

    • Intolerance to heat

      If you are unable to bear high temperatures, then there could be a chance that you have an overactive thyroid gland.

    • Intolerance to the cold

      An underactive thyroid gland, on the other hand, leads to an inability to bear cold temperatures.

    • Enlargement of the neck

      Very often, an enlarged neck can be a sure shot symptom of an imbalanced thyroid gland.

    Although all these physiological signs may not be hundred percent symptoms of thyroid diseases, it is always best to get your thyroid levels tested in case any of these last for a long period of time. The symptoms of Thyroid may get difficult for you to bear, hence treating the same at the earliest is advisable. When in doubt, it is best to visit a doctor for further clarifications on the effects of thyroid. Consult a doctor and seek the best treatment recommended for you.

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  • Of the many glands that we have in our bodies, the thyroid is one of the most important ones. This gland is a little butterfly-shaped gland that rests at the bottom of our necks, just below the Adam’s apple, at the front of the windpipe.

    Maintaining optimal thyroid health is extremely essential because it is the thyroid that is responsible for producing master metabolism hormones and controls almost every function in our bodies, along with influencing almost every single of our cells. In children, this gland is responsible to a great extent to healthy growth and development. So, it is not hard to tell why maintaining good thyroid health is important.

    Here’s an overview of the thyroid health-

    The thyroid gland produces three main types of hormones-

    • Diiodothyronine (T2)
    • Triiodothyronine (T3)
    • Thyroxine (T4)

    These hormones produced by your thyroid gland interact with other hormones in your body like cortisol, insulin, estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone. Any flux in your thyroid and the rest of these hormones are directly affected, too. A few commonly known conditions due to an imbalanced thyroid are-

    • Goiter

      In this condition, the thyroid swells up.

    • Thyroiditis

      In this condition, the thyroid is inflamed.

    • Hyperthyroidism

      In this condition, the thyroid gland is overactive.

    • Hypothyroidism

      In this condition, the thyroid gland is underactive.

    • Graves disease

      This is an autoimmune disease that is caused due to an over-stimulated thyroid. Graves disease can also lead to hyperthyroidism.

    • Thyroid nodule

      This is a condition, where there is an abnormal growth in the thyroid gland.

    • Thyroid storm

      This is a rare form of hyperthyroidism wherein extremely high levels of thyroid secretion leads to severe illnesses.

    • Thyroid cancer

      Although uncommon, thyroid cancer does exist and is thankfully curable.

    Since there are so many chances of things going amiss with our thyroid gland, here are a few things we can do in order to maintain optimal thyroid health-

    • Eat iodine rich foods

      Iodine rich foods are probably one of the most effective ways of avoiding an imbalanced thyroid. It also acts as an anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic, anti-viral, and anti-cancer agent. Therefore, stocking up on foods that are rich in iodine is a good way of steering clear from thyroid problems.

    • Handle stress well

      Stress is a major trigger of thyroid. Therefore, effectively managing your stress levels can help a great deal when dealing with thyroid issues. Include in your regime yoga, a vacation, painting, counseling, or whatever that works for you.

    • Try and reduce your exposure to toxins

      Air and water contaminants are also a major causal factor of an imbalanced thyroid. Make sure to filter both your air and water in order to avoid any thyroid-related diseases.

    • Get enough sleep

      We cannot stress how important this is in maintaining optimal thyroid health. A good seven-eight hours of restful sleep goes a long way in ensuring that your thyroid functions at its optimal best.

    • Exercise

      This could be any form of physical activity like running, brisk walking, swimming or even cycling. Exercise ensures that your thyroid levels are balanced, thus keeping you at bay from any diseases of physiological imbalances.

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  • An unrestful night’s sleep can cause one to have a not-such-a-good-day the next day. This is because most human beings need a good 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep to perform at their optimal best. However, sleep disorders like sleep apnea often do not allow us to have an uninterrupted and peaceful night’s sleep.

    If you, or someone you know, suffer from sleep apnea, then getting this condition treated at the earliest is extremely essential, failing which, a number of health issues may soon start affecting your life. After all, a good amount of sleep is one of the keys to a healthy life. Owing to the technology and medicine, today treating and managing sleep apnea has become possible without too much effort. Here are a few treatment options for sleep apnea.

    Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Device (CPAP)

    This is a mask that you place over your nose and mouth while you sleep. It helps by blowing air very gently into the airway, in order to help keep it open while you sleep. The CPAP method is known to be one of the most effective ways of treating and managing sleep apnea. However, before you resort to this method, consulting your doctor would be the best idea.

    Dental devices

    Dental appliances offer another great way of helping with sleep apnea. These devices stop the airway from relaxing and collapsing, by holding your tongue upright and sliding your jaw slightly forward. This helps a patient with sleep apnea breathe easily while he sleeps. However, this therapy is best suited only for those who suffer from mild to moderate sleep apnea and not for those with severe sleep apnea.


    Surgical therapy is best suited for those people who didn’t find the CPAP or dental device therapy effective. A surgical procedure for sleep apnea removes the extra tissue in your throat that collapses while you sleep and causes your breath to stop. Most surgeries for sleep apnea are simple and minimally invasive. However, depending on your condition, this surgery could also get a little complicated at times.

    Weight management program

    Many-a-times losing excess weight can also help with treating and managing sleep apnea. Wondering how? Well, the answer is pretty simple! Most of the times, overweight people tend to have thicker necks and extra thick tissue in their throats, which blocks their airway as they sleep. Therefore, losing weight may help with the condition of sleep apnea.

    Positional therapy

    In this therapy, the person suffering from sleep apnea wears a special belt-like device around their waists when they sleep. This prevents them from sleeping in the supine position (the position where most episodes of sleep apnea occur).

    Apart from all of the treatments mentioned above, avoiding smoking and drinking may also help reduce sleep apnea to a great extent. So if you suffer from sleep apnea, make sure you work towards treating this condition without wasting any more time in order to have a more peaceful life.

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  • To maintain optimal health, there are a couple of things that are of utmost importance to us human beings. A few of these are nourishing food, exercise, and a good amount of sleep. And by “good,” we mean 7-8 hours of sleep every day. However, in this busy day and age, it is indeed a struggle to find those hours for a restful night’s sleep. Apart from a busy schedule, the other factors that disrupt our sleep cycle are stress and disorders like sleep paralysis, sleep apnea, and insomnia.

    Sleep apnea is a condition in which a person’s breathing is interrupted while he or she is asleep. If the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea go undetected or are left untreated, this condition could also pose to be fatal. This is because, during an episode of sleep apnea, a person’s breath may stop. This, in turn, can affect his or her blood pressure, sugar levels, and vital organs due to the lack of oxygen. While men are at a higher risk, sleep apnea also affects women. Moreover, studies have shown that about 80 percent of sleep apnea cases go undiagnosed. Here are a few signs and symptoms of sleep apnea you should watch out for.

    • Snoring

      This is known to be one of the most common symptoms of sleep apnea. Although snoring may be a symptom, it does not necessarily imply that you have this sleep disorder. However, if you or someone you know has been snoring frequently, getting tested for sleep apnea would be a wise idea.

    • Frequent breaks in between breaths

      Obstructive sleep apnea is a kind of disorder in which the fatty tissues present in the throat and tongue relax while you are asleep and fall back into your airways, helping you breathe. This obstruction in the airway causes your breath to stop for a couple of seconds. While your brain wakes itself due to lack of oxygen when this happens, an event like this can easily happen 5-30 times in a single hour. Therefore not enough oxygen reaches your organs and this leaves you with an unrestful night’s sleep.

    • Chronic fatigue

      The constant interruption in your sleep due to sleep apnea deprives your body of sufficient rest and makes you perpetually tired. This is another important symptom of this disorder.

    • Frequent headaches

      A person suffering from sleep apnea also suffers from frequent headaches. This is due to the lack of oxygen supply to the brain during an episode of sleep apnea. Therefore, if you happen to suffer from constant headaches, we suggest you get tested for sleep apnea.

    • High blood pressure

      Once again, due to the lack of oxygen at night, you may also suffer from high blood pressure. This is another significant symptom of sleep apnea you should watch out for.

    If you experience one or more of these symptoms on a regular basis, then we suggest getting yourself checked for sleep apnea at the earliest.

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  • Managing and treating rheumatoid arthritis is difficult. A person suffering from rheumatoid arthritis undergoes joint pain in their hands, feet, knees, and shoulders on an everyday basis.

    Early diagnosis and treatment can help control rheumatoid arthritis to some extent. Though chronic rheumatoid arthritis is not curable, doctors can prescribe administrative medications that control or minimize further damage to the joints.

    Treatment options for rheumatoid arthritis

    Doctors may suggest a surgical intervention, therapy, and medication together, as the effective treatment options for rheumatoid arthritis. Once rheumatoid arthritis is detected, the doctor can prescribe Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs (DMARDs) such as methotrexate, leflunomide, hydroxychloroquine, and sulfasalazine, which may gradually slow the onset of rheumatoid arthritis and also prevent other affected tissues from further damage.

    The main and important objective for any doctor while treating rheumatoid arthritis is to ease the stiffness around joints and prevent any damage to the nerves. The treatment options for rheumatoid arthritis are DMARDs, Corticosteroids, Biologics, Analgesics, and Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs).

    • Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs (DMARDs)

      These are entry-level or basic treatment options for rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatologists start with methotrexate drug to treat joint inflammation. Methotrexate can be used in combination with other medications like hydroxychloroquine and sulfasalazine for better results.

    • Biologics

      Biologics work through injection, Intravenous (IV) shots and pills. They help control your immune system and reduce inflammation as well. Your rheumatologist will decide which route works best for your immune system to avoid any potential side effects. When you are on biologics, you do not stand a chance for any infection. Biologics are a little more expensive than DMARDs. Some healthcare providers also offer discounts on biologics.

    • Corticosteroids

      As the name suggests, this is a steroid drug, which is administered if the condition is severe. As this drug is powerful, it cannot be given in high dosages. Doctors give corticosteroids for a shorter duration, especially if a patient experiences sudden arthritis swelling or flare-up. This treatment option for rheumatoid arthritis comes with the risk of side effects such as weight gain, diabetes, osteoporosis, and infections.

    • Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

      Commonly used as a quick pain reliever worldwide, NSAIDs can also be used as a treatment option for rheumatoid arthritis. However, NSAIDs also come with their share of side effects, such as stomach ulcers, blood pressure, and heart diseases.

    • Analgesics

      Analgesics are lighter versions of NSAIDs. At times, due to arthritis flare-up or intense swelling, the patient can experience stomach ulcers or have an upset stomach. In such cases, these analgesics act as short-term pain relievers to dull your pain.

    • All the above treatment options for rheumatoid arthritis work as long as you take your medications regularly. They can help you control joint swelling and pain.
    • Surgical intervention

      This is the last resort if medications are causing side effects or majorly affecting your immunity. The most commonly performed surgery is hip or knee replacement.

    Treating rheumatoid arthritis is a long-term goal and has to be started as soon as you experience a sign or symptom.

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  • It is not easy to manage your day-to-day activities while suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. This chronic disease causes inflammation and swelling in the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis not just causes discomfort to the body but also requires you to change your lifestyle accordingly. Everyday things, which you did regularly, such as taking long walks or exercising, may not be easily possible once you are diagnosed with this condition.

    Managing life with rheumatoid arthritis

    This implies changing the way you do your day-to-day activities, altering a few eating and sleeping patterns, and making other minor changes. Patients experiencing rheumatoid arthritis can ease their pain and discomfort by making the following simple changes.

    • Rest

      Millions of Americans are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Joint pain makes it difficult to sleep in a comfortable position. Due to lack of sleep, arthritis pain may escalate. So, whenever possible, try to get adequate rest and sleep.

    • Mobility

      Keep moving is the mantra for managing life with rheumatoid arthritis. Studies have proved that mobility can improve your muscle flexibility. Small baby steps and few stretching exercises can keep you happy and allow you to sleep better. Rheumatologists recommend swimming, bicycling, and walking as effective ways to stay active and healthy too.

    • Healthy eating

      Diet recommended for rheumatoid arthritis patients varies as per the condition, age, and many other factors. Nevertheless, make sure you get enough calcium and vitamins from your food that helps with bone formation and prevent further damage. Nutritionists recommend eating a lot of green vegetables and omega-3 fatty acid foods to combat inflammation and swelling.

    • Protect your joints

      Whether you are on medication or have just been detected with rheumatoid arthritis, your main aim needs to be protecting your joints from further damage. Certain changes, such as using a warm electric blanket for sleeping or hot water bag for soothing inflammation, can go a long way in managing life with rheumatoid arthritis. Other factors that contribute to protecting your joints include wearing comfortable shoes that aid in walking and using a splint or walker to help you maintain balance while walking.

    • Quit smoking

      An arthritis patient will have to quit smoking as it poses a risk of plaque formation in the arteries. Especially when you are on medication, smoking dampens the body’s ability to respond to treatment. Find ways to distract yourself or engage in some hobbies whenever you feel like smoking. Managing life with rheumatoid arthritis also involves giving up habits such as smoking that can further damage your condition.

    • Being positive

      Your treatment will be effective and your body will respond positively if you develop a positive attitude. Managing life with rheumatoid arthritis is no easy feat. You may constantly be in pain and suffer from lack of sleep. Due to this, many Americans undergo depression, which can have an adverse effect on the treatment. Sorting out your priorities and practicing meditation can help you stay motivated and positive.

    Apart from changing your lifestyle and making healthy improvements in your diet and other activities, managing life with rheumatoid arthritis can be easier with support from friends and family. Talk with other people and groups who have rheumatoid arthritis. Understand them, to figure out how they manage their life with arthritis efficiently.

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  • Any joint pain or stiffness signals rheumatoid arthritis. The early symptoms that herald the onset of rheumatoid arthritis are stiffness in the joints of fingers and toes as well as unusual numbness or tingling sensation in the hands and fingers.

    Although rheumatoid arthritis is mainly related to our body joints, 40 percent of patients even experience arthritis that affects the bone marrow, kidneys, heart, lungs, eyes, skin, and nerve tissue.

    Causes and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

    When the lining of our joints is attacked by our immune system, it causes rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis cannot be cured, but it can be controlled with treatment and exercise. Most of us do not notice, or sometimes even ignore, the early warning signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis that later escalate and become unbearable.

    It is necessary to identify and recognize the early symptoms to effectively control and treat rheumatoid arthritis. Although it is easy to get misled by other signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

    such as fatigue, weight loss, and low-grade fever, one cannot negate other important factors such as chronic pain, swelling and redness in hand, foot, and wrist.


    Fatigue of an extreme nature, leading to tiredness, the inability to work, and carry out day-to-day tasks, is the first sign and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

    Weight loss

    Sudden unexplained weight loss coupled with fatigue or exhaustion can signal arthritis.


    Never ignore a fever, though it may be a low-grade fever, which is teamed with unexplained weight loss or fatigue.

    Tender or swollen joints

    The first sign that doctors look for in rheumatoid arthritis is any swelling or tenderness in hands, feet, and wrists. The swelling may be due to the fluid build-up in the joint cavity. The signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis vary for individuals of different ages.

    Joint pain

    Joint pain can occur due to a thickness of the joint lining tissue or excess fluid build-up, causing pain and inflammation in the area surrounding the joints.

    Joint stiffness

    Early morning stiffness in joints especially while bending or moving wrists, points to all factors that are responsible for rheumatoid arthritis.


    This is a rare case of chronic rheumatoid arthritis. Deformity can happen in the later stages of arthritis, i.e., when early signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are ignored, leading to the erosion of cartilage and bone and causing joint deformity.


    When a person limps, it is because the tissues surrounding the hips, knees, ankles, and feet are affected. Rheumatoid arthritis can even go to the extent of damaging one’s ability to walk comfortably on both feet.

    Joint redness

    While treating arthritis, rheumatologists look for any redness or warmth in the joint areas. The redness can be visible in single or multiple joints. This happens when the capillaries are widened as a result of inflammation surrounding other joints in the same area.

    While these signs and symptoms lead to rheumatoid arthritis, the challenge lies in identifying them and getting them treated. As rheumatoid arthritis reaches to an advanced stage, pain and stiffness spread to the shoulders, knees, hips, and other parts of the body, causing extreme discomfort.

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  • Psoriasis is a commonly occurring skin condition. It is a chronic condition that accelerates the life cycle of skin cells. The cells build up rapidly on the skin surface. The excess cells create red patches and scales that cause pain, itch, and irritation.

    Common symptoms of psoriasis include red patches or thick silvery scales on the skin, thickened nails, stiff and swollen joints, soreness, itching, burning sensation, small scaling spots, and cracked skin that may bleed.

    Here’s an overview of the causes and diagnosis of psoriasis.

    Causes of psoriasis

    Psoriasis is known to occur due to an immune system issue with white blood cells like T cells and neutrophils.

    T cells pass through the body and defend it from foreign substances like viruses and bacteria. However, during psoriasis, T cells mistakenly affect healthy skin cells in an attempt to fight an infection or heal a wound. Overactive T cells also produce healthy skin cells at a higher rate. These cells pass through the skin, reach its outermost layer, and lead to redness.

    This becomes a regular cyclic process and starts building new skin cells in just a few days. The reason why T cells malfunction is unknown. A number of researchers believe that environmental and genetic factors play a role in this.

    A few of the factors that initiate and trigger the symptoms of psoriasis are:

    • Stress
    • Heavy consumption of alcohol
    • Smoking
    • Deficiency of vitamin D
    • Skin injuries like a scrape, bug bite, severe sunburn, or a cut
    • Skin infections or strep throat infections
    • A specific type of medication containing lithium

    The following risk factors increase the chances of a person to develop psoriasis:

    • If your body weight is excessive or you are obese
    • If psoriasis runs in your family history. In case one of your parents has it, your risk increases. In case both of your parents have it, your risk is further increased.
    • If your body is prone to viral and bacterial infections. People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) are at a higher risk of getting psoriasis when compared to people having a healthy immune system.

    Diagnosis of psoriasis

    Diagnosis of psoriasis is quite simple. The doctor examines your skin, nails, and scalp, and checks your medical history to diagnose psoriasis.

    If required, the doctor may then take a small sample of the skin for a biopsy. This happens only in rare cases. The patient is given local anesthesia and his skin is observed under a microscope. This helps the doctor to determine the exact type of psoriasis and eliminate other skin disorders.

    Once psoriasis is diagnosed, it is important to consult a dermatologist. Discuss all the problems you are facing due to the symptoms. Give the complete medical history to the skin specialist and let the doctor guide you with the best treatment suitable for you.

    In most patients, psoriasis often reoccurs at times and disappears. There is no specific cure for psoriasis. The treatment helps to stop the rapid growth of skin cells. It also aids in managing the symptoms.

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