• Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a digestive disorder. Stomach pains, diarrhea, constipation, and bloating are the main symptoms associated with IBS. While there is no clear cause of IBS, diagnosis is mainly determined by doctors based on the patient’s symptoms. Extreme cases may require dietary changes and medication to control IBS symptoms. 
    However, changing one’s diet successfully manages most IBS symptoms. The following list of foods are helpful in the management of IBS

    1. Cooked vegetables
    Vegetables are high in fiber. They help to reduce instances of constipation and bloating. Cooked vegetables are recommended for the management of IBS symptoms. They are easier to digest as compared to raw vegetables. Raw vegetables may also increase gas in the stomach, leading to bloating. Additionally, these vegetables are suitable for IBS symptom management as they control diarrhea

    2. Chicken and fish
    Chicken and fish are high in protein. They may be easier to digest for IBS patients compared to plant proteins. This white meat will help to reduce diarrhea, bloating and chronic constipation. These are some of the most typical symptoms of IBS. Thus, it would be best to consider adding these lean meats to your diet to manage IBS symptoms

    3. Oats
    These are fibrous because they contain highly soluble fiber. On average, it is best for people to eat 20-35 grams of fiber each day. Fiber is essential for the peristalsis process, or the movement of food through the digestive tract so ingestion to egestion is seamless. Also, oats will reduce constipation and bloating, since the movement of food in the gut is enhanced

    4. Fruits without skins
    Skin fruits are high fiber materials, however, patients with IBS may be sensitive to the high-fiber contents. Eating skinless fruits will also ease the process of digestion. Removing the skins may be done by peeling or pulverizing the fruits. Blended fiber contents of the fruits in smoothies are easier to swallow and digest, and bloating and constipation are minimized. Some fruits such as apples and bananas are categorized as a BRAT diet. They are low in fiber making them suitable for the treatment of diarrhea which is one of the symptoms of IBS

    5. Water
    Hydration is beneficial for anyone suffering from IBS. This prevents cases of diarrhea-induced dehydration. Thus, IBS patients are unlikely to experience diarrhea if they drink a recommended quantity of clean water every day. Additionally, it improves constipation. Patients suffering from IBS may experience chronic constipation. This can be solved by drinking water as it alters the gastrointestinal (GI) tract’s functioning. The stool is loosened by proper hydration of the GI

    Further lifestyle changes may ease IBS symptoms. For instance, regular exercise, limiting stress, and avoiding use of opioid medications, which may cause a narcotic bowel syndrome, dysfunction of the GI tract, and opioid-induced constipation OIC constipation, which can cause  or exacerbate IBS symptoms.

  • Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body has trouble regulating and using sugar (glucose) as a fuel. Over a long period of time, this results in too much sugar being circulated in the bloodstream. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition and is the most common form of diabetes. Almost 1 out of every 10 people in America will suffer from diabetes. The condition usually develops after the age of 45, but is becoming more common in children, teens and young adults.
    Listed below are five quick and easy snack options for diabetes patients

    1. A handful of nuts
    Nuts are easy to incorporate into your daily diet. Only a handful of nuts each day is enough to supplement your body with vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. Different nuts have different specialities. For instance, walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and almonds contain large amounts of vitamin E. Therefore, the best way to consume nuts is to include a variety of different types of nuts in your daily intake.

    2. Eggs
    If you’re diabetic or trying to stay cautious of your dietary intakes, hard-boiled or deviled eggs are the way to go. Eggs are high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Protein slows digestion and thus, also slows glucose absorption, making eggs a quick and easy snack for diabetics.

    3. Popcorn
    Microwaved or air-popped popcorn  is high in satiating fiber, which promotes healthy weight maintenance and keeps us full for longer. The healthiest option is to air-pop this snack at home so you can ensure they are free of any added salts, flavouring or preservatives

    4. Baked potato chips and salsa
    Find yourself some low-fat baked potato chips to enjoy with a jar of salsa. Most veggies that are included in salsa are low in carbs and thus, very good for diabetes patients. The USDA states that a quarter cup of salsa contains only about 12 calories

    5. Strawberries
    Strawberries are sweet when they are ripe and make for an excellent fat-free snack. They are also rich in important nutrients such as vitamin C and magnesium. Research shows that magnesium can improve insulin resistance, which as a result improves diabetes control. You can also dip strawberries in some dark chocolate to add an extra layer of deliciousness to your snack. But make sure you measure your portions

    If you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, talk to your doctor about ways to lower your medication costs by finding cheap health insurance online or signing up for a Medicare program. For instance, Medicare Plan G will cost between $199 and $473 per month in 2020, according to sources like

  • Dementia is an umbrella term that characterizes a vast range of symptoms that affect cognitive function. Dementia occurs when nerve cells in the brain stop working. Even though it usually occurs in patients of advanced age, it can occur earlier due to brain injury or several underlying health conditions (i.e., Parkinson’s disease, etc.). Dementia comes in many forms, with Alzeihmer’s disease being the most prevalent type.

    Here are a few early warning symptoms of dementia to look out for:

    1. Memory loss

    This is one of the commonest signs of Dementia, and it is exhibited in its early stages. It may include forgetting very important events. The patient tends to ask the same questions repeatedly. Others require depending on memory aids, for instance, electronic devices, reminders and notes. They also need family members to do things that they used to do on their own. A patient with Dementia may forget things easily or may not remember them anymore. Repetition is very common in people with Dementia, and it results from memory loss. The person might repeat everyday tasks, or they can obsessively gather things.

    2. Problem solving difficulties

    Some patients living with Dementia experience different changes in their ability to follow or develop a plan while they are working with numbers to maybe pay a bill. They may have difficulty following a certain recipe or keep track of bills. They have trouble concentration since they take a much longer time to do things.

    3. Confusion about time and place

    Patients lose track of special dates, seasons and more so the passage of time. They have trouble understanding someone or something if it is not happening now. Sometimes the patient may even forget where they are and how they have gotten there. Victims might find it difficult to recognize events in the past or future and can struggle with dates.

    4. Challenges understanding visual information

    Visual information becomes a challenge for a person suffering from Dementia. It can be very hard for them to judge distances, to read or identify the differences between colors. A person who has been driving or cycling might begin to have a challenge with these activities.

    5. Speech issues

    The majority of the people suffering from Dementia may struggle to communicate or have trouble coordinating a conversation. The person may halt in the middle when communicating and fail to get an idea of how they can continue. They may also repeat themselves, struggle with recognizing familiar objects, have trouble with vocabulary, and using wrong names. Some individual’s handwriting becomes even more complex to read. Finding, as well as using the correct words, becomes hard. People with this disease at times fail to remember the meanings of words that they hear.

    6. Misplacing personal items

    People suffering from this disease usually place things in odd places. They lose many things since they are not capable of retrieving them back. Some put items in unusual places and later forget and accuse other members of the family of stealing.

    7. Poor judgment

    The person might have complexity in making the right decisions. It can be complex for somebody with Dementia to know what is fair and logical thus he or she gives a poor judgement. As a result, they might end up paying too much for items or become simply certain about purchasing items that they do not require. Some of the people with Dementia don’t pay attention to being neat and respectable.

    Omega-3 fatty acids (mostly found in fish oil), vitamin E, other different B vitamins, and memory supplements Prevagen are some of the best supplement brain functions. These supplements greatly help patients with memory problems associated with Dementia

  • Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that distorts language, perception, thoughts, emotions and overall behaviour. What we consume in our daily diet has an impact on our health, both mental and physical. Patients living with schizophrenia work closely with their healthcare team to find therapies and medications that work. Diet and lifestyle may also play a huge role in mood stabilization and management of schizophrenia symptoms. 

    Some of the nutrition-packed foods that can help manage schizophrenia symptoms:

    1. Fresh fruits and berries

    Studies indicate that people with schizophrenia tend to consume less fibre. Most of their diet involves the consumption of fatty foods that are unhealthy. The fibre in fruits and berries absorbs the excess sugars and reduces the low-density lipoprotein (LDL), considered “bad” cholesterol. Low cholesterol and sugars keep diseases common to people with schizophrenia away, like heart failure, obesity and diabetes. A variety of fruits and berries rich in fibre include apples, bananas, raspberries, oranges and strawberries.

    2. Sweet potatoes

    Sweet potatoes are considered mood-boosting foods because they contain beta-carotene, which reduces free radicals damaging brain cells. They help reduce stress levels which is a common symptom in people with schizophrenia. It being a carbohydrate, plays a part in the release of serotonin, a happy hormone.

    3. Fatty Fish

    Based on research, omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish products are useful in lowering some of the symptoms experienced by people with schizophrenia. Omega-3s cannot be produced by the body, which means adding fatty fish to your diet is the way to acquire the nutrient. For those who are not fish lovers, you can consult your physician on getting omega-3 supplements.

    4. Shellfish

    Making a norm of consuming seafood like shellfish, oysters, crabs, or lobsters helps reduce bodily levels of inflammation, which may be an issue for patients with schizophrenia. Shellfish also contains high levels of zinc, which experts have found to be low among people with schizophrenia.

    5. Spinach

    Spinach is the leafiest of the green vegetables available at the grocery store. It contains folic acid or rather has a rich source of folate. Folate is useful in synthesising DNA and neurotransmitters, which play a key role in brain activity. You can add it to your diet by making juices or steaming on low heat.

    Research has shown that adding healthy foods to your diet like vegetables, salmon, chicken marinara, clams and cod liver oil alongside medication helps improve schizophrenia symptoms. Diet cannot replace doctor-prescribed medications, like Caplyta and Inveg Sustena, to treat schizophrenia, but having a healthy diet may help improve overall mood and physical health. 

  • Boosting your immune system is more important now than ever. Often people turn to cold flu medicine to treat the symptoms. The body is naturally able to fight off the common cold and flu naturally. Some foods are able to boost your immune system to an even greater level. Doing so will help your body fight off viruses keeping you from getting sick. 

    Below are five foods that will boost your immune system to prevent you from getting sick in the first place:

    1. Citrus fruits 

    Many people already reach for the orange juice when they feel cold symptoms coming on. The Vitamin C inside helps increase your immune system. Other citrus fruits such as grapefruit, lemons, and limes also contain high levels. The body does not store vitamin C so having a daily supply is very important.

    2. Garlic

    Throughout the world, it is often found in many dishes as it does add flavor. This superfood may decrease the hardening of arteries and lower blood pressure. The Superfood has antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-fungal characteristics. Also believed to be able to fight infections. The allicin may help boost white blood cells to attack viruses.

    3. Ginger 

    This root superfood is believed to have the ability to decrease inflammation. A sore throat diminished with a reduction in inflammation. Nausea may also be reduced with the help of this root superfood. Many look to ginger to assist in inhibiting mucous production. The body benefits from reduced congestion when mucous production is reduced. When combined with garlic and lime they may offer antibacterial benefits. Additionally, they may have a greater resistance to bacteria.

    4. Spinach 

    When seeking food rich in vitamin C rarely do people think of spinach. Yet, spinach is a great source of daily vitamin C to help boost the body’s immune system. Additionally, spinach contains high levels of antioxidants. These antioxidants help the body boost the body’s ability to fight infections. Foods rich in antioxidants help to get rid of cold sores as well. Not all sources of spinach are the same. Cooking spinach does decrease the nutrients, while also increasing the vitamin A level. Enjoying a balance of cooked and raw spinach will ensure a diverse supply of nutrients to help boost your immune system.

    5. Chicken soup

    When sick reaching for a cup of warm soup does more than you think. Poultry may actually help lower inflammation. Meaning the symptoms of a cold could improve simply by enjoying a cup of soup. Poultry is a great source of vitamin B-6 which is important for keeping red blood cells healthy. The broth from chicken soup contains gelatin and other nutrients. These are helpful for gut healing and result in a boost to the immune system.

    Nobody wants to get sick with a cold or flu. So boosting your immune system can be a great way to keep your body from getting sick. Taking cold flu medicine is important when you are sick. Keeping your body from getting sick in the first place can be the best solution. Keep that in mind when planning your next meal. Adding in these immune-boosting foods may keep you healthy in the first place.

  • If you suffer from acid reflux, you’ve probably spent hours searching for ways to stop heartburn. One of the most common causes of this disease is a stomach disorder known as a hiatal hernia, which is when the upper section of the stomach and the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) shift themselves above the diaphragm, which is the barrier between the chest and stomach, and keeps stomach acids where it belongs. Acid leaks up into the esophagus, causing reflux symptoms.

    Triggers of acid reflux include overeating, being pregnant, obesity, acidic, carbonated, or spicy foods. Symptoms besides heartburn include bitter regurgitation, bloating, and nausea. Thankfully, there are natural remedies to help improve your condition in case you feel the onset of symptoms:

    1. Sleep on an incline

    The position you’re in during and after a large meal can have a huge impact on the state of reflux. If you’re bent at an angle while eating, or if you lie down soon afterwards, you run an increased risk of acid reflux. If you lie at an incline when it’s time to sleep, you’ll be using gravity to weigh down your stomach/LES so they don’t breach the diaphragm. The acid in your stomach will also be encouraged not to shift unfavorably.

    2. Quit smoking

    Put the cigarette down if you haven’t already. The nicotine inside the tobacco loosens the LES, leading to the rise of stomach acid. This results in heartburn more often than not. If you’re a pack-a-day kind of person, you’re presenting yourself with a higher likelihood of feeling symptoms around the clock.

    3. Don’t drink carbonated beverages

    If you’re worried about reflux, you might be better off avoiding soda, ginger ale, or any carbonated drinks for a while. Fizzy drinks have been linked to gastric distension, a general term for the sort of intestinal movement that leads to acid reflux. Instead of soda, you can drink herbal tea, low-fat milk, or even a smoothie.

    4. Eat smaller meals slowly

    Give your body more time to digest everything. Stomach acid is at a relatively high concentration after a good-sized meal. You want to be careful to avoid just that scenario as often as possible.

    5. Avoid acidic and spicy foods

    This one is pretty simple. More acid coming into your system is bound to increase the odds that there is an overflow of the sort of stomach juices you’re trying to keep contained. Spicy food doesn’t seem to directly cause acid reflux, which makes sense because spicy foods are not usually measured as acidic after being consumed. That being said, it does seem like spicy foods can worsen already present symptoms.

  • Dry eyes often occur when the tear glands fail to produce adequate tears for the lubrication of the eyes naturally. Chronic dry eyes is a condition that can cause a lot of pain and potentially even damage the eye. Dry eyes may be the result of an underlying medical condition (i.e., Sjogren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or thyroid disorders), a vitamin deficiency (i.e., vitamin A deficiency), or due to environmental factors (i.e., weather, pet allergies, or dust). 
    The following natural remedies can help you manage dry eyes

    1. Warm eye compresses
    The compresses can help when you soak a clean cloth in warm water and apply the warm material compressed over the eye. When you make use of heat and moisture in such conditions, it will help alleviate pain. It also helps in the inflammation of the eye. Additionally, it also helps the state of mild eyes

    2. Omega-3 supplements
    Studies show that omega-3 supplements are beneficial for relieving dry eyes. The fatty acid supplements have found less dry eye conditions in people who take them. It is because it improves the eye’s oil film. This film is a production of small glands on the edge of the eyelid called meibomian glands

    3. Castor oil 
    The use of castor oil helps in the lubrication of the eyes hence preventing moisture from drying up. Get eye drops that have it compared to making your own. When you use these eye drops approximately four times a day, you will improve

    4. Drinking more water
    You can also drink water because it is also a very fast remedy for dry eyes. You will prevent the condition and also get healthy. The eyes require moisture to stay wet and avoid dehydration. Moreover, you will be rehydrating your eyes. It will also be eliminating minerals from the eyes. Additionally, hydrated eyes with clean, purified water are good for your health

    5. Natural tears eye drops
    You can purchase natural tears eye drops at almost any pharmacy. These consist of Dextran 70 Sodium Chloride and Hypromellose (as active ingredients), Potassium Chloride, Boric Acid, Sodium Borate, and purified water. These mimic real natural tears to help lubricate dry eyes and provide comfort and hydration. 

    Dry eyes can be very painful and uncomfortable, however, the above mentioned home remedies can help. If dry eyes persist, talk to your doctor about dry eye medicine to help minimize pain and eyelid inflammation. When you experience inflammation at the edges of your eyelid, it will cause some issues. One of them is keeping oil glands from secreting into your eyes. It is, therefore, recommendable to talk to your doctor about possible prescription options and to explore possible underlying health conditions that may be causing dry eyes. 

  • High blood pressure, or hypertension, has to be managed to get it back to stable levels as soon as possible as it can put you at risk for suffering a heart attack or stroke. Doctors will often prescribe PAH therapy to lower your blood pressure. However, in addition to treatment for PAH, it is important to change your diet. There are a number of foods that you can eat in order to lower your blood pressure:

    1. Pumpkin seeds
    Pumpkin seeds are oval seeds that have a slightly sweet flavor. There are several ways that you can enjoy the seeds. You can boil them or roast them. You can also eat them raw. The seeds are a great source of magnesium. This is a mineral that can help keep your blood pressure within a healthy range. They are also a great source of fiber. Fiber is a nutrient that is necessary for healthy digestion. You need to get 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day. However, most people do not get enough fiber. You can lower your blood pressure by ensuring that you get an adequate amount of fiber

    2. Citrus fruits
    Citrus fruits include things like lemons, oranges and grapefruits. They are loaded with vitamins and minerals that can help lower your blood pressure. A study was conducted including 101 Japanese women who were asked to drink lemon juice on a daily basis. The results of the study showed that the subjects noticed a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure. Studies have also shown that grapefruit juice and orange juice can lower blood pressure. However, it is important to note that juice can interfere with certain medications. That is why it is a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider before you start drinking juice on a regular basis

    3. Salmon and fatty fish
    Fatty fish is high in omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to improve heart health. Experts believe that healthy fats can decrease oxylipins. Those are compounds that can cause your blood vessels to constrict, which can cause your blood pressure to rise. There was a study done that involved 2,036 healthy people. The results of the study showed that the subjects that had the highest intake of omega 3 fatty acids had significantly lower blood pressure

    4. Swiss chard
    Swiss chard is a type of leafy green that contains 17 percent of the potassium that you need. It also has 30 percent of the magnesium that you need. Potassium also helps regulate your blood pressure. Studies have shown that increasing your potassium intake by 0.6 gram per day can help lower your blood pressure by 1.0 mm Hg. One cup of this leafy green will provide you with 792 mg of potassium. One cup is equivalent to 145 grams

  • Excessive sweating is a medical condition known as hyperhidrosis. When the temperature is high, the sweat glands will produce the perspiration that will be carried to the surface of the skin; this normally happens when you are exercising, have a fever, or feel anxious. However, often an underlying medical condition (i.e., hormonal imbalance) may cause abnormally excessive sweating in areas such as the head, hands, and underarms so much so that the patient soaks through clothing and bedclothes. 
    For the individuals who suffer from excessive sweating, the sweat glands are often triggered  regardless of activity levels or temperature. While in some cases, excessive sweating is harmless. In some instances, it may be due to one of the following medical conditions, and needs to be addressed immediately via a medical professional

    1. Spinal cord injury
    When you sweat, the body is trying to cool down. Nevertheless, for people with a spinal cord injury, you will experience excessive sweating, and the condition can be referred to as autonomic dysreflexia. The condition comes about when your spinal cord has incurred excessive damage. The blood pressure will be high when some of the areas below the injured part are stimulated. Apart from high blood pressure, if you have autonomic dysreflexia, you will experience symptoms such as flushed skin, chest tightness, headaches and feelings of anxiety and pain

    2. Anxiety disorder
    Anxiety and depression can be linked to excessive sweating. There are different types of anxiety that usually cause hyperhidrosis as well as heart palpitations. If heavy sweating is interfering with your daily activities, you may end up experiencing anxiety. Please speak to a medical professional.

    3. Heart disease
    Excessive sweating is among the signs of heart disease. In some cases, excessive sweating can signify a heart attack. Sweating closely relates to a condition known as atherosclerosis; this is a condition whereby the arteries become narrow, and the body will have a hard time delivering blood to the vital organs in the body. When you sweat at night and are not suffering from perimenopause, there is a chance that you may be suffering from a heart condition.

    4. Hyperthyroidism
    When the thyroid gland is making the thyroid hormones in excess, the temperature in your body will rise. As a result, you will end up sweating excessively

    5. Parkinson’s disease
    If you have Parkinson’s disease, there is a high likelihood that you will have an issue with excessive sweating since the nervous system is compromised. Excessive sweating with Parkinson’s may also occur due to the drugs being used to treat this condition. At times, people with the disease will experience excessive sweating at night

    Excessive sweating is normal in some instances. However, if it is chronic and unexplained you may be suffering from an underlying health condition. In this case, you should consult a medical practitioner who will help determine your condition. Patients with medical conditions that cause excessive sweating can use prescription deodorant to help control sweat and odor.