• Gout is caused by excessive levels of uric acid in the body, which accumulates around a joint in uric crystals resulting in pain, inflammation, and discomfort.

    The triggers of a gout attack, also known as a “flare up”, differ from patient to patient in severity and also source. For instance, while stress can trigger a gout attack in some individuals, others may be more susceptible to high uric acid levels after consuming certain types of food or drink. A gout attack (gouty arthritis) typically rears its ugly head due to exposure to certain triggers. Knowing what causes your gout flare ups will help you avoid future gout attacks as well as your specific triggers.

    1. Stress

    Anxiety or stress, particularly due to being ill from another sickness (i.e., flu, pneumonia, or even medical surgery) can lead to a spike in uric acid production and gouty arthritis. If you see your doctor about another illness or medical matter, advise them you have gout so they can help manage symptoms and avoid a gout flare up.

    1. Prescription and non-prescribed drugs

    Believe it or not, medications you take to treat other conditions (i.e., heart disease, hypertension) can often trigger a gout attack. In fact, medical professionals know that certain types of beta blockers, diuretics, and even mild aspirin can trigger gouty arthritis, which is why it’s important your healthcare team is aware you also have gout.

    1. Sugary drinks

    According to arthritis experts, the high fructose corn syrup found in highly processed juices and sodas can trigger a gout attack. So avoid them by swapping soda for water or herbal tea.

    1. Alcohol

    Wine, beer and liquor may be a nice accompaniment to dinner, but these alcoholic drinks can also cause uric acid levels to rise. Gouty arthritis due to alcohol is often caused by dehydration, as the kidneys are unable to dispose of excess uric acid in the blood without enough water. Keep in mind that wine is the least linked to gout attacks and can often be enjoyed by gout patients moderately.

    1. High purine foods

    Purine is a substance that triggers uric acid production. It makes sense that gout sufferers should avoid foods rich in purine such as seafood (i.e., salmon, anchovies, sardines, mussels) as well as organ meats (i.e., liver) and certain vegetables (i.e., spinach) if they want to avoid a gout flare up.

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  • Anxiety – learn about its types, symptoms, and treatments

    Approximately 40% of adolescents have felt anxiety at some point in time in their lives for some specific or general reasons. For instance, an individual may face anxiety when having to make a vital decision, be it at the workplace or in the house.

    Do you know what anxiety is?

    Anxiety can be defined as an unpleasant state of nervousness about future occurrences with an uncertain result. In other words, anxiety is a mental health problem. Anxiety during traumatic situations can have an effect on both your emotional as well as physical health.

    Ten common types of anxieties

    Anxiety is an emotion. Every individual experience surges of anxiety from time to time. Feeling anxious sporadically is a normal emotion to strain. There is nothing wrong with experiencing an emotion such as anxiety, as long as it does not interfere with your daily household activities. Generally, adolescents experience anxiety regarding more than just one issue. Some common types of anxieties present in people are shown in the list below.

    • Health anxiety or hypochondria
    • Test anxiety
    • Job interview anxiety
    • Financial anxiety
    • Relationship anxiety
    • Public speaking anxiety
    • Sexual performance anxiety
    • Anxiety during pregnancy
    • Separation anxiety
    • Retirement anxiety

    Which one of these types of anxiety are you experiencing? If you have been diagnosed as having more than one uncomfortable emotional as well as physical symptom of anxiety as mentioned below, you should then immediately consult your local physician or your counselor.

    Emotional and Physical Anxiety Symptoms

    Both emotional as well as physical anxiety symptoms appear in numerous environments. The reasons for the real causes of the mentioned anxiety symptoms are still unknown.

    Emotional Symptoms

    • A feeling of expectation of the worst and being vigilant for signs of peril.
    • Nausea or a feeling of sickness with a tendency to vomit and faint.
    • A feeling of restlessness or of irritability.

    Physical Symptoms

    • Sleep deprivation or the lack of sleep, i.e., insomnia.
    • Tachycardia. It is a medical term for a fast heartbeat or heart palpitations.
    • Perspiring heavily.
    • Abdominal pain.
    • Pain in the chest that may lead to angina or a heart attack if the anxiety level is excessively intense.
    • A severe headache.
    • Xerostomia or dry mouth due to lack of saliva.
    • Difficulty in speaking and concentrating on work.
    • Shakiness.
    • Muscle tension.
    • Numbness in the feet.

    Non-medication treatment is absolutely necessary

    Your anxiety should be treated immediately via cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT); especially if it has persisted after having gone through a traumatic situation. Undergoing CBT is good enough for dealing with anxiety. With another non-medication treatment type, i.e., counseling which focuses attention on expertise in problem-solving, you can control your anxiety and make life more satisfying. As much as possible, avoid having any non-depressant drugs (such as Sertraline, Diazepam, Escitalopram, and Buspirone)  as these may have toxic side effects.

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  • The pancreas is a gland that is found behind the lower part of the stomach. Its function is to secrete insulin, which regulates sugar in the blood, and digestive enzymes, which help in the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Cancer that affects pancreas is known as Pancreatic Cancer. It is considered among the most fatal diseases especially because it easily spreads to other organs surrounding it. That is why abnormal and uncontrollable growth of cells in the large pancreatic gland is a major cause of worry. Pancreatic cancer is mainly found in people above the age of 70. It is less frequent in people below the age of 40.

    Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer

    • There is an abnormal and unusual pain in the pancreas that increases when you lie down, and this pain spreads to your back.
    • Jaundice is another obvious symptom, wherein your urine color changes to dark yellow.
    • Fluctuation that is too intense and sudden in blood sugar levels may cause weakness, unconsciousness, a coma, or even death.
    • Since the pancreatic gland is affected, it can cause diarrhea and other digestive issues. Regular stomach issues is an obvious symptom of Pancreatic Cancer.


    There are several causes that lead to pancreatic cancer that you should know about to practice early prevention. The cancer grows with age due to the inability of the gland to fight against the growing cells.

    • Smoking is injurious to health and damages the pancreatic gland.
    • Diseases like diabetes and ulcers increases the chances of pancreatic cancer, making the prevention difficult.
    • The cancer is sometimes inherited if an ancestor has suffered from any chronic disease. However, there are heavy chances of you developing it yourself rather than inheriting it.

    With the increase in the number of causes, there are several risk factors attached to the disease. There is a sudden abnormal loss in weight as the gland is unable to effectively perform digestive functions. One can start vomiting caused due to improper digestion process. The pain increases with increase in the growth of the cancer, and it becomes unbearable after eating or while lying down. The small intestine is also damaged as it is the closest to the pancreas, making one’s health condition even worse.

    One major problem with pancreatic cancer is that it cannot be detected in early stages as it starts showing its effects only when it grows to a particular degree. Once diagnosed, the treatment will depend on the intensity and location of the cancer. Medications can be given if the cancer is not too severe, else you will have to opt for surgery followed by chemotherapy to prevent further growth of cancer cells. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so follow a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight, and lead a healthy lifestyle by staying clear of smoking and drinking.

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  • Sleep apnea is a common sleeping disorder. The disorder causes a poor quality of sleep. Sleep apnea results in a deficiency of oxygen in the body. One of the most common symptoms is uncontrollable pauses in breaths and short or shallow breaths in sleep. It might cause you to wake up suddenly as well.

    Common symptoms

    Sleep apnea usually interrupts one’s breathing during sleep, sometimes as many as 20-30 times in an hour. You might be suffering from sleep apnea if you wake up startled and gasping for air.
    The uncomfortable breathing caused by sleep apnea may also lead to symptoms such as fatigue, snoring, disturbed sleep, anxiety, or even choking.

    Long-term risks

    You must not leave sleep apnea untreated. It can develop into a grave medical condition as well as cause long term health problems.
    Some of the long-term risks associated with sleep apnea are heart diseases, stroke, diabetes, obesity, sexual dysfunction, and short term memory loss. Fatigue due to interrupted sleep may also cause accidents while driving, poor work performance, and higher vulnerability to diseases.

    Sleep apnea remedies

    Exercise for Good Health

    Eat healthy and exercise regularly. Obesity increases the risk of sleep apnea as it downgrades breathing capability by affecting the throat muscles.
    If you are overweight, you should consider shedding about 10% of your body weight. Losing weight helps reduce the inflammation of the throat muscle.

    Avoid alcohol, sedatives and smoking

    Alcohol interferes with sleep quality. It disturbs the uvula and palate, which are needed to regularize breathing.
    Smoking may cause inflammation and fluid retention in the respiratory system. Be careful with sedatives as well because they may exaggerate the symptoms of sleep apnea.

    Get cough, acid reflux and nasal congestion treated

    If you develop a cough, nasal congestion, or an acid reflux, you should get it treated immediately. These conditions cause breathing difficulties and often worsen sleep apnea.
    Take the vapor treatment to get rid of nasal congestion. Eat healthy and stay away from food that might cause allergies. Try resting your head on a higher level while sleeping.

    Humidify your bedroom

    Humidifying your bedroom may help you ease sleep apnea symptoms. Get a humidifier, as it may help decrease snoring and make breathing easier and clearer by lessening congestion.
    Elevating your head may also help by reducing snoring. It also relieves one’s discomfort to an extent. Massage your chest with natural oils such as eucalyptus oil before going to sleep. Natural oils naturally open up the airways. Take regular massages to soothe a stuffy throat or a nasal block.

    You should consult your physician without delay if natural remedies do not help. Follow a healthy diet and good sleeping habits. Avoid exposure to entities that may cause allergies. Exercise regularly to keep your weight in check and stay active.

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  • Cigarette smoking harms not only your lungs but all other organs as well. Many have attempted to kick the butt using nicotine gum; however, whatever said, in any form nicotine is addictive.

    E-Cigarettes, or Electronic Cigarettes, are tobacco-free products. Actually, it merely is a vaporizer. An e-liquid is heated by a battery and the liquid vaporizes, which is inhaled by the user. E-cigarettes are the best choice for smokers who want to quit smoking cigarettes without experiencing any withdrawal symptoms.

    How it works

    E-cigarettes are powered by a lithium battery. Inside, there is a liquid-filled cartridge and a vaporization chamber. As you puff on, the battery powers the device. The liquid is heated up and the vapor is released. These are smokeless gadgets that neither burn tobacco nor release any carbon monoxide.
    E-cigarettes are reusable. Keep their battery charged and you can use them whenever you want. Many of these come with USB chargers as well as car chargers. The cartridges can also be reused. You can either refill an empty cartridge or insert a new cartridge.

    Liquid mix

    The liquid contained in the E-cigarette cartridge is a mix of nicotine, propylene glycol, flavoring, and other additives. The amount of nicotine content varies on the basis of the brand and the need of the users. For those of you who would like to avoid nicotine, nicotine-free cartridges are also available. All that you inhale is the vaporized flavored liquid. A variety of flavors such as coffee, honey and fried doughnut are available.

    Levels of toxicity

    E-cigarettes are as equally toxic as regular cigarettes due to the liquid nicotine contained in them. Liquid nicotine is more lethal than the tobacco leaves used in regular cigarettes. Be it regular cigarettes or e-cigarettes, it’s harmful to your health and also those who are around you.

    Levels of Safety

    The argument in favor of e-cigarettes is that they don’t cause lung cancer. However, e-cigarettes are not 100% safe. E-cigarette users suffer from diminished lung function, airway resistance and cellular changes. Though they might be not that bad enough to cause cancer, as in regular cigarette smokers, E-cigarettes are not too good to be used either. May be once in awhile, it’s good for recreation.

    Silver Lining

    It’s been quite some time that e-cigarette shave found a place in the market. Though there existed no controls at their advent, currently the FDA has brought E-cigarettes under the Tobacco Regulations. This regulation ensures that E-cigarettes are not sold to persons under 18 years and those under 26 years will be allowed to buy an E-cigarette only with a valid photo ID.

    Smoking is injurious to health and it’s in your best interest that you kick the butt. It has been reported that over one-fifth of smokers who chose to quit smoking have tried E-cigarettes.

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  • Psychological problems are not uncommon. Many people think that such problems are more common among the fairer sex. How far is this a reality? Read on to find out whether it is true.

    Women often find it easier to express their psychological issues that usually take the form of depression. Research shows that men are more suppressed when it comes to sharing their emotional problems. This must not be mistaken as the fact that men do not have mental problems. It is just that men’s mental health is an area that needs a lot of research.

    Warning signs of improper men’s mental health

    There are signs that depict a lot about someone’s mental health, and these are signs that you need to know about. This is the best way to know if the men you know are facing any mental health issues and if they need any kind of treatment. Some of the important warning signs are enlisted as follows.

    • Excess and sudden anger or aggression
    • Changes in the mood or the energy level or changes in his appetite
    • Problems in sleeping
    • A feeling of restlessness or being on the edge
    • Anxiety
    • Too much of hopelessness
    • Suicidal nature
    • Not having any positive or good thoughts
    • Headaches
    • Body pain
    • An obsessive or a compulsive behavior
    • Unnecessary interference with another’s work or life
    • Sudden fights with family members

    Facts about men’s mental health

    A lot of research has been conducted for the study of the mental health of women. However, reasons not known, the same level of research and study has not been conducted for men.

    There are many reasons for which a man’s mental health gets affected. Professional and peer pressure, tension in the family, unpleasant relationships, and unfulfilled expectations will make every man feel bad, and this is perfectly natural. However, there are men who gets more affected by such issues, and these are the ones who need treatment. Look out for the signs mentioned above to be able to notice mental health issues at an early stage.

    In the recent past, the number of actual suicides or even suicidal attempts among men has increased, and that has been because of their deteriorating mental health. More than 75% of the suicide victims in the country are men, and it is said a man kills himself every 20 minutes here. The rate of suicide is higher among gay men and young Americans.

    Substance abuse, rejection from society, unemployment, divorce etc. are thought to be the primary causes for deteriorating mental health among men.

    Men’s mental health condition is a serious problem for the entire global society. It is time that we take this seriously and do something to avoid any further damage. Delay in treatment can lead to serious complications like social phobia, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, and self-loathing.

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  • The large intestine is also called as the colon and the cancer that affects the rectum or the colon is called colorectal cancer. When cells begin to uncontrollably grow in the large intestine, it is a case of colorectal cancer. There are different kinds of colorectal cancers: the cancer cells that may affect inside the colon, the cancer cells that may affect the wall of colon, the cancer cells that may affect the blood vessels of the colon and then spread heavily, and the cancer cells that may start with the nodes of the digestive system that can affect the colon, which is the final part of the digestive tract.

    There are many symptoms of colon cancer, but they are generally nonspecific in nature. Some of these are difficulties in breathing that include weakness or shortness of breath, bone and abdominal pain, sudden loss of weight, change in the bowel movements and the appearance of blood in the urine. The symptoms differ from people to people, depending on the severity of cancer and other factors such as age and lifestyle. It is always better to see a doctor if you have are doubtful about the symptom, and a thorough medical checkup after the age of 50 years is considered compulsory. There are many causes of colorectal cancer, and here are the top causes.


    Cancer is passed on from generation to generation, which changes the DNA inside our cells. We have different cells that perform different functions in our digestive system. One type of inherited colorectal cancer affects the APC gene that is in charge of the cell growth in the body. Similarly, the cells that are in charge of cell break and cell divide in the large intestine are also affected. When these genes are affected, it disturbs the normalcy in the intestinal system and leads to cancer.


    This type of colorectal cancer is not inherited but acquired during a person’s life. Acquired colorectal cancer is due to many risks factors such as obesity that can lead to risk of generation of cells in the large intestine, being physically inactive can also cause colorectal cancer, diets that are high in red meat can lead to problems in the large intestine, smoking and heavy alcohol drinking are the two major causes of acquired colorectal cancer.

    There are medications available up to stage three for colorectal cancer. If not, surgery is also an alternative. The surgery involves removing the tumors in and surrounding the large intestine, followed by chemotherapy that prevents further generation of cancerous cell. However, colorectal cancer can be easily prevented as it is associated with the large intestine, which has much to do with the eating and drinking habits of a person. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding smoking and drinking will easily prevent colorectal cancer.

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  • Hair loss is a common condition that could be a result of hormonal change, medical condition, or even hereditary issues. It can affect men, women, and children alike. Excessive hair loss from the scalp is known as baldness. It most commonly occurs due to old age. Some people don’t mind getting baldness treated, while others look for prevention and restoration.

    There are various hair loss treatments available. Therefore, make sure you consult a doctor before choosing the one.

    Hair loss can be classified into four types.

    • Pattern baldness in males
    • Pattern baldness in females
    • Alopecia areata
    • Traction alopecia

    Symptoms of hair loss

    The onset of hair loss depends on the cause. It could occur suddenly or could gradually affect the scalp or even the entire body. Hair loss could be temporary or permanent, depending up on the underlying cause.

    Symptoms of hair loss could be as follows.

    • Gradual thinning of hair. Hair loss due to old age is common in both men and women. While men start losing hair from their forehead, women experience a general thinning of hair.
    • Bald spots that appear as circular patches. This mostly occurs on the scalp, though it can also occur on the face in rare cases.
    • Sudden hair loss due to shock. This can be due to a physical injury or a mental shock. This type of condition leads to heavy hair loss without any specific pattern.
    • Entire body hair loss due to heavy medical treatments. A common example of this is hair loss following chemotherapy among cancer patients. However, this hair loss is only temporary and hair regrows later on.
    • Hair loss caused by ringworm. This create patches of scaling on the scalp. Additional symptoms of this condition are hair breakage combined with swelling and redness.

    Causes of hair loss

    The following factors are the most common causes of hair loss.

    • Hereditary condition

      Certain conditions and risks are passed down through genes. If you have a family history of alopecia, then there is a higher risk of hair loss. In this case, the condition is quite predictable. It could start with puberty or the mid 20s.

    • Hormonal disturbance

      Our hormones are responsible for the overall healthy functioning of the body. When they are out of balance, they could lead to various metabolic problems and skin problems including hair fall. A common hormone imbalance causing hair fall is thyroid problem.

    • Physical and mental triggers

      A certain adverse event in life could lead to sudden hair loss. Trauma can be a cause for rapid hair loss. Physical conditions like surgery, high fever, and rapid weight loss can also lead to hair loss. Another lifestyle factor that causes hair fall is excessive styling and cosmetic treatments.

    • Medical Treatments

      Radiation therapy to the head could lead to permanent damage to the follicles. The hair on the affected part may not grow back the same or not grow back at all.

    • High dosage of medicines

      Most medicines cause side effects when taken for a prolonged period. And some drugs cause hair fall. Sometimes, supplements can also cause hair loss, e.g., vitamin A intake.

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  • Diabetes is a disorder in which one’s blood glucose levels are very high. You get glucose from the food you eat. To let glucose enter body cells to provide energy, insulin is required. Insulin is a hormone produced in the body in normal circumstances. If you have Type 1 diabetes, the body ceases to make insulin. This is also known as juvenile diabetes. This is because Type 1 diabetes is most often found in children or teenagers. If you have Type 2 diabetes, the body fails to make proper use of insulin. Or it may produce insulin in inadequate amounts. 90 to 95% of people who have diabetes have Type 2 diabetes.

    If the body does not receive the right amount of insulin, the cells fail to absorb the glucose. Glucose then stays in the bloodstream. This may cause damage to the heart, blood vessels, nerves, eyes, and kidneys. Diabetes is often related to some other health problems that may be serious at times. It may lead to heart disorders or a even stroke.


    Prediabetes is a condition associated with diabetes. If you have prediabetes, it implies that blood sugar levels in the body are higher than normal, but still lower than they are in diabetes.
    If one has prediabetes, he/she is at a higher risk of contracting Type 2 diabetes.

    Gestational diabetes

    Pregnant women are also vulnerable to diabetes. The type of diabetes they contract is called Gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes afflicts around 4% of pregnant woman. Up to 60% of women who had gestational diabetes are likely to contract Type 2 diabetes within 15 years.
    One way of regulating diabetes includes regular exercise. Keeping your weight in check also helps prevent diabetes. For prevent and control diabetes, you must stick to a proper diet plan. Keeping the consumption of sugar under check helps reduce the risk of diabetes. This also helps keep the condition in control.

    Some important risk factors for diabetes

    An important risk factor for diabetes is one’s age. The risk of Type 2 diabetes increases post 45 years of age. So, one must focus on other risk factors to reduce the chances of contracting diabetes.
    A family history of diabetes is yet another very important risk factor for diabetes. If anyone in your family has had diabetes, you are at a higher risk of developing it. This becomes all the more possible if your father or sibling has diabetes.
    Excessive weight and negligence of regular exercise are important risk factors of diabetes. Not consuming a balanced diet is also a risk factor for diabetes.

    Diagnosing diabetes

    Going for routine blood checks would help one diagnose diabetes at the earliest. This would allow you to figure out a diabetes care plan. Moreover, it would let you make sure that your health does not deteriorate.

    Some of the symptoms associated with diabetes are

    • Excessive weight loss
    • Drowsiness
    • Extreme thirst
    • Extreme hunger
    • Wounds that take time to heal
    • Blurred vision
    • Numbness in hands or feet

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